Advanced: Parameters

Intelligent parameter management is one of the most powerful features of d6tflow. New users often have questions on parameter management, this is an important section to read.

Specifying parameters

Tasks can take any number of parameters.

import datetime

class TaskTrain(d6tflow.tasks.TaskPqPandas):
    do_preprocess = d6tflow.BoolParameter(default=True)
    model = d6tflow.Parameter(default='xgboost')

Running tasks with parameters

Just pass the parameters values, everything else is the same. # use default do_preprocess=True, model='xgboost', model='nnet')) # specify non-default parameters
# or
params = dict(do_preprocess=False, model='nnet')**params)) # specify non-default parameters

Note that you can pass parameters for upstream tasks directly to the terminal task, they will be automatically passed to upstream tasks. See below for details.

Loading Output Data with Parameters

If you are using parameters this is how you load outputs. Make sure you run the task with that parameter first.

df = TaskTrain().output().load() # load data with default parameters
params = dict(do_preprocess=False, model='nnet')
df = TaskTrain(**params).output().load() # specify non-default parameters

Parameter types

Parameters can be typed.

import datetime

class TaskTrain(d6tflow.tasks.TaskPqPandas):
    do_preprocess = d6tflow.BoolParameter(default=True)
    dt_start = d6tflow.DateParameter(,1,1))
    dt_end = d6tflow.DateParameter(,1,1))

    def run(self):
        if self.do_preprocess:
            if self.dt_start>,1,1):


Full reference

Avoid repeating parameters in every class

You often need to pass parameters between classes. With d6tflow, you do not need to repeat parameters in every class, they are automatically managed, that is they are automatically passed to upstream tasks from downstream tasks.

class TaskTrain(d6tflow.tasks.TaskPqPandas):
    do_preprocess = d6tflow.BoolParameter(default=True)
    dt_start = d6tflow.DateParameter(,1,1))
    dt_end = d6tflow.DateParameter(,1,1))
    # ...

@d6tflow.requires(TaskTrain) # automatically inherits parameters
class TaskEvaluate(d6tflow.tasks.TaskPickle):

    # requires() is automatic
    # do_preprocess => inherited from TaskTrain
    # dt_start => inherited from TaskTrain
    # dt_end => inherited from TaskTrain

    def run(self):
        print(self.do_preprocess) # inherited
        print(self.dt_start) # inherited

d6tflow.preview(TaskEvaluate(do_preprocess=False))  # specify non-default parameters
└─--[TaskEvaluate-{'do_preprocess': 'False', 'dt_start': '2010-01-01', 'dt_end': '2020-01-01'} (PENDING)]
└─--[TaskTrain-{'do_preprocess': 'False', 'dt_start': '2010-01-01', 'dt_end': '2020-01-01'} (PENDING)] => automatically passed upstream

Note that you can pass parameters for upstream tasks directly to the terminal task, they will be automatically passed to upstream tasks. do_preprocess=False will be passed down from TaskEvaluate to TaskTrain.

If you require multiple tasks, you can inherit parameters from those tasks. TaskEvaluate depeonds on both TaskTrain and TaskPredict.

class TaskTrain(d6tflow.tasks.TaskPqPandas):
    do_preprocess = d6tflow.BoolParameter(default=True)

class TaskPredict(d6tflow.tasks.TaskPqPandas):
    dt_start = d6tflow.DateParameter(,1,1))
    dt_end = d6tflow.DateParameter(,1,1))

@d6tflow.requires(TaskTrain,TaskPredict) # inherit all params from input tasks
class TaskEvaluate(d6tflow.tasks.TaskPickle):
    # do_preprocess => inherited from TaskTrain
    # dt_start => inherited from TaskPredict
    # dt_end => inherited from TaskPredict

    def run(self):
        print(self.do_preprocess) # inherited from TaskTrain
        print(self.dt_start) # inherited from TaskPredict

d6tflow.preview(TaskEvaluate(do_preprocess=False))  # specify non-default parameters
└─--[TaskEvaluate-{'do_preprocess': 'False', 'dt_start': '2010-01-01', 'dt_end': '2020-01-01'} (PENDING)]
   |--[TaskTrain-{'do_preprocess': 'False'} (PENDING)] => automatically passed upstream
   └─--[TaskPredict-{'dt_start': '2010-01-01', 'dt_end': '2020-01-01'} (PENDING)] => automatically passed upstream

@d6tflow.requires also works with aggregator tasks.

@d6tflow.requires(TaskTrain,TaskPredict) # inherit all params from input tasks
class TaskEvaluate(d6tflow.tasks.TaskAggregator):

    def run(self):
        yield self.clone(TaskTrain)
        yield self.clone(TaskPredict)

For another ML example see

For more details see

The project template also implements task parameter inheritance

Avoid repeating parameters when referring to tasks

To run tasks and load their output for different parameters, you have to pass them to the task. Instead of hardcoding them each time, it is best to keep them in a dictionary and pass that to the task.

# avoid this, model='nnet'))
TaskTrain(do_preprocess=False, model='nnet').outputLoad()

# better
params = dict(do_preprocess=False, model='nnet')**params))